One such project was a Christmas Tree Ornament for my son-in-law. He performed in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat this fall at a local community theater. He was Joseph. He wore the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
My daughter did the lights for the production and heard the songs over and over again (multitudes upon multitudes of times). One song is evidently repeated two or three times with multiple repetitions. It lists the colors in this amazing coat... and served as the pattern for construction of the Christmas Ornament.
"It was red and yellow and green and brown
If you look closely,
you can see the colors in the order on the coat as they appear in the song.
Red and yellow and green and brown
on the front side to the right as you look at the coat.
Scarlet and black and ochre on the sleeve to the right .
On the back, now, notice, left to right, the colors:
Peach (You can just barely see it at the top of the sleeve on the left)
And ruby and olive (the rest of that sleeve)
and violet and fawn and lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve and cream and crimson and silver (see the silver sliver on the right sleeve?)
and rose and azure (on the sleeve)
Then back to the front:
and lemon (You can just barely see this from the front view, left sleeve)
and russet and grey and purple (left sleeve)
and white and pink and orange
And blue"
What is the difference between red and scarlet and ruby and crimson?
Or the difference between brown and fawn and chocolate and russet?
Or lilac and mauve and rose and pink?
This was my color challenge of 2011.
The story of Joseph was also my challenge for 2011. You can find this story in the book of Genesis in chapters 37 to 50. This story chronicles the life of a young boy sold into slavery by 10 of his brothers. God established Joseph as a leader in Egypt and, years later, his brothers come to him for food.
We don't really know why certain things happen in our lives, but we can look at the way God acted in Joseph's life. For many years he was a slave in a foreign country. Things did not seem to be going well. But God sent Joseph ahead to Egypt so that all his brothers and their families might have food in the midst of famine. It wasn't only about Joseph. It was about what God will do in the lives of His people. God intended it for good. Because God is good.
This is what it says in Genesis 50:20,
"You intended to harm me,
but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives."
We don't really know why certain things happen in our lives, but we can look at the way God acted in Joseph's life. For many years he was a slave in a foreign country. Things did not seem to be going well. But God sent Joseph ahead to Egypt so that all his brothers and their families might have food in the midst of famine. It wasn't only about Joseph. It was about what God will do in the lives of His people. God intended it for good. Because God is good.
This is AMAZING! I'm looking for a Joseph Dreamcoat ornament for a granddaughter who is in the production this year. I sew, I have sewed a lot in my life, but I am NOT up for this challenge! This is incredible!