Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Even my Squirrels collect Fabric!

Sitting at my kitchen table, finishing my morning coffee, I look out in the yard and there is a squirrel harvesting fabric out of my garden!!  I tried to get a picture of it - but the camera would not zoom in close enough.

In this picture you can just barely make out a wisp of fuzz in front of the squirrel - and actually in its hands.  We placed landscape fabric between the rocks and the dirt so all the dirt in my flower bed would not sift through the rocks and end up on the grass.  This squirrel has found a few strands of the fabric - and is pulling threads off of it that are yards long!

 She (probably a she - she's making something out of fabric!!) then winds it in a ball as you can see in this second photo.  

Even the squirrels at my house collect fabric!!

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