Thursday, November 17, 2011

Box #1

From time to time I am going to open a box in my sewing room and see what is in it. Today I would like to introduce Box #1.

You can probably see that this is a collection of ties. My Man's ties. And I think they look really good with one another, in addition to holding some significant nostalgic memories.

Here you can see the points of the ties, and if you look closely at the more solid burgundy tie, you will see it bears the image of Mickey Mouse (perhaps a common theme in our lives, if you look at this quilt block)

Hmm. I think I will start another project. First I will wash the ties, and then I will find the old dress shirts I saved to use in a shirt-and-tie quilt...

I might learn to love silk.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be reminded of your memories every time you look at your quilt. What a good idea.
